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Talks to watch out for this summer!

For those who will make it to the EASP medium-sized meeting in Belfast, ISPP in Edinburg, and/or EASP in Granada this summer, make sure to learn about the most recent research from the War & Peace Lab in the following talks:

At the EASP medium-sized meeting on Challenging the Narrative of Intractable Conflict, Quinnehtukqut will give a talk titled "Challenging Traditional Narratives of Intractable Conflict: Focusing on both sides’ suffering decreases ingroup identification among Jewish Israelis, Americans, and Turkish Kurds" (co-authors: Levi Adelman, Helin Ünal, Bernhard Leidner).

At ISPP, Nima will give a talk titled "Duties before rights? Duty-focused mindsets foster prosociality, rights-focused mindsets do not" (co-author: Bernhard Leidner).

And at EASP, Nima will chair a symposium entitled "We need your support: How and through what mechanisms social movements can build alliances?" His talk on "The Power of Nonviolence: Confirming and Explaining the Success of Nonviolent (vs. Violent) Political Movements" (co-author: Bernhard Leidner) will be complemented by talks from:

  • Tulsi Achia on "Allyship and Group Privilege" (co-authors: Winnifred Louis, Aarti Iyer);

  • Huseyin Cakal on "When and why the advantaged group endorses collective action by the disadvantaged minorities and no-action" (co-authors: Samer Halabi, Ann-Maria Cazan);

  • and Sara Vestergren on "How sworn enemies became allies: The role of shared oppositional identity in collective action" (co-authors: John Drury, Eva Hammar Chiriac).

Also at EASP, Mengyao will chair a symposium entitled "The Danger of Glorifying the Ingroup: Implications for Intragroup Behavior and Intergroup Relations." Her talk on "Stepping Into Perpetrators’ Shoes: Glorification Motivates Perspective-taking with Perpetrators and the Implications for Justice" (co-authors: Bernhard Leidner, Silvia Fernandez-Campos) will be complemented by talks from:

  • Sonia Roccas on "The Differential Effect of Identification Modes on Voice Behavior in Organization" (co-authors: Andrey Elster, Lilach Sagiv);

  • Johanna Vollhardt on "The relationship between ingroup glorification and victim beliefs in predicting intergroup attitudes and conflict opinions" (co-authors: Twali, Cohrs, McNeill, Hadjiandreou);

  • and Noa Schori Eyal on "'“A Very Moral Group', towards Whom? Group Glorification and Responses to Aggression Against Civilians" (co-author: Yechiel Klar).

Don't miss out!

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