Talks to watch out for next year!

For those who will make it to the SPSP meeting in Atlanta, make sure to learn about the most recent research from the War & Peace Lab in the following talks:

Former lab member Dr. Mengyao Li will chair a symposium entitled "Challenges and Advances in Research on Intergroup Violence." Her talk (co-author: Bernhard Leidner) will be complemented by talks from:
Mina Cikara, Harvard University;
Rebecca Littman, Yale University;
Roger Giner-Sorolla, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK.

Lab Director Dr. Bernhard Leidner will give a talk in a symposium on "Virtuous Violence: How morality drives aggression and conflict." His talk (co-authors: Daniel Rovenpor, Thoas C. O'Brien, Antoine Roblain, Laua De Guissme, Peggy Chekroun) will be complemented by talks from:
Jeremy Ginges, New School for Social Research;
Noa Schori-Eyal, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya, Israel;
symposium chair Tage Rai, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management.
Don't miss out!